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Best Travel Books of All Time

What are the Best Travel Books?

Travel Inspiration

These are some of the best travel books always (in my opinion). If y'all're looking for travel inspiration, you can't become wrong with this collection of travel stories & guides.

I've been traveling the world for 9 years now, and it all started later I was inspired by reading some incredible travel books.

Some of my favorite travel books are based on other people's travel adventures, while travel how-to guides taught me that international travel is accessible to everyone, not just wealthy & retired people.

So hither is my personal list of the best travel books of all fourth dimension.

I've split the list up into two sections. My favorite travel stories/novels, and the most useful books about how to travel the world.

Once I've finished reading whatsoever of these books, I feel the instant urge to pack my bag and head out to explore the globe somewhere new!

Well written travel books similar these have helped inspire my own personal travel goals over the years — and will go along to do so.

So if you're looking for motivation from great travel writers, or experience a travel adventure of your own, make yourself comfortable and catch a couple of my favorites listed hither.

They are sure to inspire wanderlust in everyone who reads them…

[su_note note_color="#f7f7f7″ text_color="#333333″ radius="3″ class="quote"]"The world is a volume, and those who do non travel read only a page." ~ Saint Augustine[/su_note]

My Favorite Travel Books For 2020

Best Travel Stories & Novels

1. Travels With A Donkey In The Cévennes

Past Robert Louis Stevenson

Travels With A Ass In The Cévennes is i of the first travel books I ever read. It takes you on a walking journey with Robert and his donkey Mosestine across a mountainous region of France.

You lot go to experience what traveling through 1870's Europe was similar, including the landscape, religion, and the people. Robert & his donkey don't get along at offset, but through trial and error they learn to get travel companions.

Best Travel Books: Travels With A Donkey

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ii. Shantaram

By Gregory David Roberts

Shantaram is set in the underworld of contemporary Republic of india, where an escaped convict from Australia named Lin is hiding out. He searches for beloved while running a clinic in one of the city'due south poorest slums and simultaneously working for the Bombay mafia.

Information technology's ane of the best-written novels I've read and sucks you correct into an amazing story full of love, beauty, betrayal, brutality, and compassion. The book has been criticized for being more fiction than fact, notwithstanding, I still highly recommend information technology as a great travel book. It's incredibly entertaining and thought-provoking either mode.

Best Travel Books: Shantaram

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3. World Walk

Past Steven Newman

Earth Walk is the story of newspaper author Steven Newman who at the age of 28 packed his bag to outset a 4 year long journeying around the world on foot. He walked his manner across 22 countries in v continents.

He shares heartfelt stories of the people he meets forth the style, as well as wild adventures including arrests, wars, blizzards, wild animal attacks, wildfires, and more. A lesson of promise and love told through the heady adventures of independent budget backpacking.

Best Travel Books: World Walk

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4. On The Route

By Jack Kerouac

On The Route is a archetype American travel book. It's the semi-autobiographical story of Sal Paradise (based on Kerouac himself) & Dean Moriarty's cross-state hitchhiking and train-hopping journeying beyond rural America in the 1940's.

Written in a rambling diary style, and a bit hard to follow at times, Kerouac takes to the road looking for adventure, sexual practice, drugs, and mischief. A great read for those who would like to escape the real world for a while and only go where the wind blows them.

Best Travel Books: On The Road

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five. The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is an international all-time-seller that tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of treasure. However on his adventurous quest, he finds himself instead.

This is a powerful book that inspires courage & chasing your dreams. It teaches of import life lessons using entertaining stories. It helped me overcome my own fears virtually what to do with my life, as well every bit millions of other readers around the world.

Best Travel Books: The Alchemist

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6. In A Sunburned Country

By Bill Bryson

In A Sunburned Country follows Neb'southward hilarious journey through the sunbaked deserts and countless coastlines of Commonwealth of australia, trying non to get killed by the deadly wildlife. It'due south full of fun & interesting facts well-nigh the state.

It'due south non your typical guidebook to Australia, only a must-read if yous programme on traveling there. He really gives you a sense of the place, its quirks, and the people using some very entertaining storytelling and history.

Best Travel Books: In A Sunburned Country

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seven. Marching Pulverisation

Past Rusty Immature

Marching Powder is the true story of a British drug dealer's five years inside a very foreign Bolivian prison, where whole families live with inmates in luxury apartments and cocaine is manufactured.

When you spend fourth dimension backpacking around the globe, you sometimes notice yourself in ridiculous situations no one dorsum abode would believe. This is one of those crazy stories — and one of my favorite reasons to travel.

Best Travel Books: Marching Powder

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8. The Cat Who Went To Paris

By Peter Gethers

For the wary soul who needs a bit of actress disarming of the life-changing wonders that await abroad, there's perhaps no better resources than The True cat Who Went To Paris. Peter Gethers' global journeys with a cat named Norton puts a dose of adorable humor into many common travel situations.

Norton accompanies Gethers on filmmaking trips and helps convince the love of his life that he is the one. Later years of adventuring the three settle in New York, Norton is one of the city's most well-traveled felines.

Best Travel Books: The Cat Who Went To Paris

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ix. Dear With A Risk Of Drowning

By Torre DeRoche

Love With A Chance Of Drowning is the travel memoir of Torre, who reluctantly leaves her corporate lifestyle to live on a sailboat with a man she simply met, and their adventure beyond the South Pacific together.

Along with all the challenges and wonder they experience on the trip, the book takes y'all on a beautiful, romantic and deeply personal journey of self-discovery. It's very entertaining and funny, I couldn't put it down. Chasing dreams is ever scary, merely usually worth it.

Best Travel Books: Love With A Chance Of Drowning

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10. Dark Star Safari

By Paul Theroux

Theroux earned his reputation as one of the best great travelogue writers considering he lives every word that he writes. Night Star Safari takes readers through his voyage from the summit of Africa to the lesser.

He oft finds himself at the bottom of his ain barrel and unsure of what will happen next. It's an honest account past a writer that is as 'working class' as travel writers come up. Overall, an honest if not always refreshing take on overland travel in Africa.

Best Travel Books: Dark Star Safari

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11. Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

By Douglas Adams

When Globe is taken over and ultimately destroyed by conflicting 'Vogons', Arthur Dent makes a lucky escape as he is rescued by his friend, Ford Prefect (who turns out to exist an alien researcher for the titular Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy – a huge guide detailing every planet in the universe).

Hitchhiker'southward Guide to the Milky way is the first of a hugely popular series of books, which I would recommend to whatever travel lover. But yous don't take to have my word for information technology, the first book solitary sold around 16 million copies and has been translated into 35 languages.

Best Travel Books: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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12. World Travel: An Irreverent Guide

Past Anthony Bourdain

If you are a fan of Anthony Bourdain, you will know that he spent a lot of his fourth dimension in some of the earth's most fascinating places. He traveled from his hometown of New York to Tanzania and everywhere in between, soaking in every experience he could go his hands on.

'World Travel: An Irreverent Guide' is a drove of Bourdain's journeys, injected with his famous frank and honest tone of voice. The book also includes essays written past his friends and family that volition bring you even deeper into his stories.

Best Travel Books: World Travel: An Irreverent Guide

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13. The Lost Metropolis Of The Monkey God

Past Douglas Preston

For the mystery novel fans out in that location, The Lost City Of The Monkey God is a fascinating medical mystery, based on a pioneering run a risk into the world'southward densest jungle. It is believed that this item jungle holds immense wealth within, just y'all volition accept to discover it. The only problem is, Indigenous tribes who fled there have warned that anyone who finds the sacred urban center will die.

While Journalist Theodore Morde thinks that he has returned from the rainforest safely, with bags filled with artifacts, he mysteriously commits suicide and never reveals the location of the sacred urban center. This volume will describe y'all in from the become-become.

Best Travel Books: The Lost City Of The Monkey God

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xiv. Bad Lands: A Tourist On The Centrality Of Evil

Past Tony Wheeler

Bad Lands writer Tony Wheeler, has a fantastic fashion with words, every bit he details his travels through destinations that are ofttimes described equally some of the most repressive and dangerous countries in the world. With stories about Afghanistan, Cuba, Republic of iraq, Libya, North Korea and many more, Wheeler explores each country's mental attitude towards human rights, terrorism and foreign policy.

Information technology's not all bad though, he shares the tales of endless locals, tour guides and travel industry workers, who bring a real insight into each country and deflate the pop myths. Wheeler likewise happens to be the founder of Lonely Planet, and then he has gathered plenty of fascinating stories over the years.

Best Travel Books: Bad Lands: A Tourist On The Axis Of Evil

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15. The Geography of Bliss

By Eric Weiner

When Eric Weiner took a deep swoop into the worlds data on happiness, he discovered that there are many other countries doing a much improve chore of keeping their population happy and content in their solar day to twenty-four hours lives. Traveling from America to India, with many stops along the way, Weiner documents his journey to investigate what true happiness is.

This book is a wonderful combination of travel tales, science, data and psychology, mixed in with some of Erics famous sense of humour. In his search for answers, he will teach yous the cardinal takeaways from the world'due south happiest nations.

Best Travel Books: The Geography of Bliss

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xvi. Sex Lives Of Cannibals

By J. Maarten Troost

Can you imagine packing up your belongings for a remote life on Tarawa in the equatorial pacific. An island that is just over 100 foursquare miles, located correct in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Information technology doesn't get much more remote than that! Sounds like an take chances right? That's exactly what Maarten Troost and his fiancé did.

However, Tarawa is non what they expected it to be. From cultural differences, to the daily challenges of life on an island, such every bit sleeping with bugs, picking ants out of their food, defecating in the bounding main – this story will take every adventure traveler relating in some manner shape or class.

Somehow, Maarten and Sylvia stuck it out on the island for nearly ii years. Now, looking back on his time at that place, Maarten shares the lessons he learned in friendship, culture, and community.

Best Travel Books: Sex Lives Of Cannibals

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17. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

Past Alfred Lansing

This action-packed book details the difficult struggles of the 28 man coiffure onboard the Endurance ship in 1914, equally they set sail for Antarctica. Afterwards almost 2 years at sea, and just ane day abroad from reaching their destination, the ship was crushed by a large pack of floating ice in the Weddell Ocean, leaving the men stranded on the pack ice. Only information technology doesn't end there – the coiffure continued to drift on the ice for only over a year.

That's only the kickoff of the legendary ordeal of Shackleton and his crew. Alfred Lansing will take you along on the 850 mile journeying that followed.

Best Travel Books: Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

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18. Lands Of Lost Borders

Past Kate Harris

Lands Of Lost Borders, tells the adventurous tale of Kate Harris and her bicycle journey downward the Silk Road. In between her studies at Oxford and MIT, Harris set off on an take a chance with her childhood friend Mel. While they pedalled for miles on cease, their journey takes them to some of the remotest places on globe.

Her story is incredibly reflective of life and our connection to nature. It tackles the boundaries that nosotros set ourselves and the importance of forging new paths, just similar Marco Polo and Magellan did.

Best Travel Books: Lands Of Lost Borders

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nineteen. The Kite Runner

By Khaled Hosseini

This center-wrenching book tells the story of Amir and his begetter, baba, in the town of Kabul, Afghanistan. One solar day, after a kite competition, Amir's friend Hassan runs to catch their kite, but is attacked in the process and raped by a local bully. 'The Kite Runner' details the inner turmoil Amir struggles with throughout his life, knowing that he has betrayed his friend, past assuasive the rape and never correcting his failure.

It is a story of childhood trauma, family, friendship and love, that volition bring you on a form of emotions through the destructive properties of Afghanistan over the last 30 years.

Best Travel Books: The Kite Runner

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20. Wild

By Cheryl Strayed

This mod day classic is based on Cheryl Strayed's ane,100-mile solo hike through the Pacific Crest Trail. It all began at 22 years sometime with the passing of her mother, and her divorce from her husband, which found Strayed at the everyman betoken of her life. Later on a cursory encounter with heroine, she makes the decision to rebuild her confidence, her self respect and her life.

Starting in the Mojave Desert, she slowly finds her way through California and Oregon, facing every barrier that nature tin throw at her, from snakes and blackness bears, to epic snow fall and sheer loneliness. This story perfectly captures the biggest journey of Strayed's life.

Best Travel Books: Wild

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21. A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush

By Eric Newby

Fashion industry worker turned Mountaineer? Later ten years in haute couture, Eric Newby decided to invite his friend Hugh Carless to join him on a hiking trip to Afghanistan. The only issue was that Newby had niggling to no feel in hiking, but that didn't seem to end him.

This must-read book, breaks down his courageous adventure to the remote top of the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan – a peak that had never been climbed before. Although I am sure he wouldn't recommend it to his readers, his business relationship of the experience is incessantly entertaining and inspiring to push yourself across the limits you have gear up within your own mind.

Best Travel Books: A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush

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22. Stranger On A Train

Past Jenny Diski

With the properties of 2 cross-state trips on Amtrak, Jenny Diski writes virtually her feel arriving into the heart of America, while yet reflecting on the scars of her past. "I travel in order to go on withal" she explains in this vivid travelogue/memoir, as she dives into American civilisation and the demons of her past, often in the aforementioned page. Diski's story is both captivating and relatable at a human level.

Best Travel Books: Stranger On A Train

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23. Journeys Of A Lifetime

By National Geographic

Imagine a compilation of the well-nigh incredible storytellers and travel photographers all in one book! National Geographic have gathered the best trips from their writers and brought them together to create a journey around the globe.

From the earth's most famous destinations and adventures to the lesser known sojourns, this volume features the ultimate list of adventures that yous will desire to add to your saucepan listing the infinitesimal you read it, from cruises around Antarctica to horse treks in the Andes and every other experience you lot could ever imagine.

Best Travel Books: Journeys Of A Lifetime

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All-time Travel How-To Guides

Ok now that we've got some of my favorite travel novels out of the style, I too wanted to include some more useful travel books in the list too. Books to aid you travel cheaper, ameliorate, or show you how to travel more!

24. Vagabonding

Past Rolf Potts

Vagabonding is what encouraged me to put my real life on concur to backpack around the world for a bit. This book is essentially most the procedure behind taking fourth dimension off from your regular life to observe and experience the world on your own terms.

It won't tell you exactly how to do it, but gives yous ideas and conviction to figure it out for yourself. Many long-term travelers have been inspired by what Rolf talks about, including Tim Ferriss. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to travel more, but thinks they don't accept enough coin or fourth dimension.

Best Travel Books: Vagabonding

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25. How To Travel The World On $50 A Day

Past Matt Kepnes

Coming from a fellow travel blogger, I've got to give Kepnes (also known as Nomadic Matt) props for his New York Times bestselling volume How To Travel The Earth On $50 A Day. Matt knows what he'southward talking near, and it shows every bit much in this book every bit information technology does on his weblog.

He goes into particular on how he'southward stayed on the move for so long on a shoestring upkeep, with tips and tricks coming to life through relatable stories. Also seeping through the pages is a heavy dose of modesty, a necessity when venturing off the beaten path abroad.

Best Travel Books: How To Travel The World On $50 A Day

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26. Travel As Transformation

By Gregory V. Diehl

Travel As Transformation takes y'all on Diehl's journeying from living in a van in San Diego, growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, educational activity in the Middle Due east and volunteering in Africa.

Through these stories, information technology shows you how profoundly travel can influence your perception of yourself. Diehl has spent the best role of 10 years exploring the globe in countries many Westerners couldn't fifty-fifty place on a map. The journey helps him observe who he really is and what freedom means.

Best Travel Books: Travel As Transportation

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27. Microadventures

Past Alastair Humphreys

Microadventures is an uplifting and original concept evolved out of the travel blogosphere and into a catchy book. Instead of pushing his readers to drop everything and striking the road full-time, Humphreys champions the weekend warrior and after-work types with this one.

Amidst other things, Humphrey'due south excursions in his native United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland are featured prominently along with tricks of the trade for quick chance travel. Subsequently all, some of the all-time explorations tin happen on your own side of the planet. No demand to travel far!

Best Travel Books: Microadventures

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28. How Non To Travel The World

By Lauren Juliff

In How Non To Travel The World Lauren expertly conveys the fears of a first-time solo traveler who, prior to striking the road, as she lived a rather sheltered life. The overarching theme is conquering fear and living your dream.

She does a solid job of discussing the emotional steps involved in her process too. I don't know how Lauren gets into so many crazy situations on her travels, simply they make for a very entertaining read!

Best Travel Books: How NOT To Travel The World

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29. Food Traveler'due south Handbook

By Jodi Ettenberg

The Food Traveler's Handbook is an extension of Jodi Ettenberg's excellent travel weblog Legal Nomads, a go-to for all things street food (and eating while traveling in general). So information technology's no wonder she's got a top book on the bailiwick.

Any who are gluten sensitive or take other dietary restrictions can finally rest easy every bit she breaks down where to go and what to avoid if yous desire to eat well while traveling.

Other volumes of The Traveler's Handbook series are equally as helpful:

  • The Volunteer Traveler'southward Handbook
  • The Adventure Traveler's Handbook
  • The Career Intermission Traveler's Handbook
  • The Solo Traveler'southward Handbook
Best Travel Books: Food Traveler's Handbook

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30. Earth's Cheapest Destinations

By Tim Leffel

The thought that exotic travel has to break the bank is an supposition as sad every bit it is untrue, and long-time travel author Tim Leffel proves it in The World'due south Cheapest Destinations. Active storytelling and honest facts on not only where to go but how to travel in one case you get there.

The key takeaway from this volume is that proper enquiry and planning, along with a willingness to come across a culture for what it actually is, tin save you a fortune. Oh, and don't hesitate to deal – just be respectful when you practise and so.

Best Travel Books: World's Cheapest Destinations

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BONUS BOOK: 100 Hikes Of A Lifetime

By Kate Siber

From short 24-hour interval hikes to multi-week backpacking trips, this great coffee table book from National Geographic will inspire you to get out into the wilderness on your next hazard. They highlight some of the world's best hikes, with awesome photography and summaries for each one.

Brand sure to plough to page 148 to run across my ain personal contribution, photography from Greenland's Arctic Circumvolve Trail — as they licensed some of my images for the guide. It's well put together, and I've already added a bunch of hikes to my own personal bucket list for the future!

100 Hikes Of a Lifetime Book

Bank check Cost On Amazon →

Well, that'south it for now. I hope y'all got some good ideas for travel books to read in 2020! I'll keep updating this list every yr with fresh options. ★

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Check out this list of the best travel books to read for inspiration and become a better traveler.
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Check out this list of the best travel books to read for inspiration and become a better traveler.


I hope y'all enjoyed my guide to the best travel books of all fourth dimension! Hopefully you establish it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

  • Any movie lovers out there? Here are my favorite travel movies that you admittedly demand to sentinel.
  • Larn how to become an proficient traveler with my top travel tips to help you lot relieve money, stay safety, and more.
  • Curious how I make money while traveling? Here are the different ways I get paid to travel the globe.
  • Ok, while these travel books are pretty great, take a look at my favorite travel quotes (along with shareable images!)
  • Take better travel photos with my useful guide featuring beginner travel photography tips.

What are some of your favorite travel books? Did I miss any good ones? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!


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